small glimpses of me

small glimpses of me
reason to believe.

Monday, November 15, 2010

I think they were green.

Sometimes watching life-living it, missing people, wishing we could hold them again-smell them--it passes by,days go on and our hearts hurt-we wish for different events to take place - alone we deal with the trouble in our hearts. We meet people, touch hands, look into each others eyes, and just move on say good bye. The days go on- I live my life, you live yours.  I feel so heavy with the idea of what goes through your head, the loneliness you must feel- not really knowing why this has happened, maybe u will never know. I see something so special. Haven't felt that energy for so long, stimulated my senses. As we open our eyes  and think -just another day in the munotinous life; happy, sad, angry, tired, lazy, bored, frustrated, hungry, pissed, lonely, look at the mountains, see the blue skies, stand under the moon, wish on a star,dream,cry, feel the breeze on your face, pray, wish for peace of mind, escaping memories --being faithful and hopeful for new ones.....listen to birds, music, read, write, exercise. Then we lay down and close our eyes -hoping one person felt good because the paths crossed- just as they were supposed to -and just as they should.

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